Saturday, November 26, 2005

simple pleasures

"When we lack proper time for the simple pleasures of life, for the enjoyment of eating, drinking, playing, creating, visiting friends, and watching children at play, then we have missed the purpose of life. Not on bread alone do we live but on all these human and heart-hungry luxuries." - Ed Hayes

Today, I thought about the simple pleasures in my life and how I neglect them from time to time, especially when I am in a hurry: allowing myself to stay at home after a tiresome week full of work and work and more work, free weekends to sleep long hours, coffee, Sade, a warm bath with Lush Ginger Soap which Deli got me from Paris, my fluffy black new sweater, my cashmere v-neck pullover. Pure delight!

On top, a couple of days ago, I discovered that I can do my own Haiku poem on the web site of the British Council. It's nice to let simple words flow to see them build a wonderful line of thought. It does not have to be meaningful. It's you who adds meaning to it anyway, so it does not matter whether it makes any sense. If it makes sense to you, it's fine. Very fine.


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